viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

The Importance of Soil

For many people, soil is a mixture of mineral dust. In fact, the soil are one of the most amazing living ecosystems on Earth!, Where millions of plants, fungi, bacteria, insects and other living organisms, the most are invisible to the human eye are in a changing process of constant creation, composition and decomposition of organic matter and life.

We obtained from the soil not only most of the food, but also fiber, wood and other raw materials. Also the floors are of vital importance for animals, many of them get their food solely from the soil.

Also, served by the abundance of vegetation, to soften the atmosphere and promote the existence of streams.

Hazards that affect soil

Chemical Fertilizers ruin the land, its compounds are absorbed by the soil and plants, until then all good, but leave a residual contaminant in the soil, making in a long time, will very difficult to plant in place.

As the soils lose organic matter, are more compact, absorb less water and are less able to retain nutrients. Roots grow less soil nutrients more easily lost and there is less water available for plants.

The result is that the use of nutrients in fertilizers will become increasingly inefficient, and the only way to counter the inefficiency is increasing doses of fertilizers.

Erosion is also one of the main problems that alter the value of the soil. When they left bare of protective vegetation cover, are rapidly destroyed by the action of water, heat and wind. Its fertile layer is washed.

The loss of fertility or soil depletion is almost always caused by abuse of the crop or grazing on them. Remember that the floors also require control of manure and crop rotation in addition to these, to keep in proper condition to keep producing.

The way in which industrial agriculture has treated soils, is a crucial factor that caused the climate crisis.

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