Se ha iniciado una matanza de 320.000 focas, que las autoridades canadienses defienden, pero que a la vez enfurece a organizaciones como IFAW, la Sociedad Protectora de Animales de EE.UU. o Sea Shepherd, que la consideran brutal e insostenible desde el punto de vista ecológico.
¡Hay que detener este hecho tan cruel! Puedes unirte en contra de esto en los siguientes enlaces:
No a la matanza de focas
Petición de firmas en contra de la matanza de focas
The Canadian seal slaughter is a cruel fact that does not stop. Activités, as part of protests from advocacy organizations for animal rights, are fighting an unwinnable war, that's why they are recording videos and taking photographs to show the world that this slaughter-made with sticks or clubs, ice picks, is too cruel, causing suffering to seals.
A massacre of 320,000 seals has initiated. This is something the Canadian authorities support, but at the same time infuriates organizations like IFAW, Humane Society U.S. or Sea Shepherd,who consider it brutal and unsustainable from the ecological point of view.
A massacre of 320,000 seals has initiated. This is something the Canadian authorities support, but at the same time infuriates organizations like IFAW, Humane Society U.S. or Sea Shepherd,who consider it brutal and unsustainable from the ecological point of view.
We must stop this, this is so cruel! You can join against it at the following links:
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